Dainik News TV

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Visually Impaired Sherpa Break Stone in Taplejung

People of this World are not sufficient for a second and also they are not fulfilled with every things. Every people have either small or big problems related to their physical, social and mental things. Some people are bl!nd, some are de@f, some are hadic@pped and similar nature. This video is also about the life of a bl!nd woman who is working hard for spending life.

Lakpa Sherpa, 62 years old bl!nd woman belongs to Taplejung district, Nepal, is working hard at the busiest city area of Taplejung, Phungling. She break the big and large stone to make its small pieces which are used in every construction. She is bl!nd from the time of birth. Making the pieces of stone is her daily work to sustain life. Due to poverty and lack of family members, she spend her day eating noodles and biscuits. She earn some money but spend as rent.

She earn two thousands Nepali rupees monthly from her work which is not sufficient for rent too. Many times, due to bl!ndness, she h!t on her own hands thinking as stone. District Development Committee had gave dis@ble identity card but yet, she is not getting any amount and help for Government. Her every seconds are dark and she already lo$t all family members at small age.

तिन दलले चुनाव खर्च माग्दै एनसेलको कर मिनाह गर्न लागेपछी जनता सडकमा ३३ अर्व ल्याउ फास्ट ट्रयाक आफैँ बनाउ भिडियो

तिन दलले चुनाव खर्च माग्दै एनसेलको कर मिनाह गर्न लागेपछी जनता सडकमा ३३ अर्व ल्याउ फास्ट ट्रयाक आफैँ बनाउ भिडियो

तिन दलले चुनाव खर्च माग्दै एनसेलको कर मिनाह गर्न लागेपछी जनता सडकमा ३३ अर्व ल्याउ फास्ट ट्रयाक आफैँ बनाउ भिडियो

तिन दलले चुनाव खर्च माग्दै एनसेलको कर मिनाह गर्न लागेपछी जनता सडकमा ३३ अर्व ल्याउ फास्ट ट्रयाक आफैँ बनाउ भिडियो

भारतको र नेपालको सिमानामा पर्खाल नलगाउने र घुंडा टेक्ने सरकार भयो भने नेपाल भारतले खान्छ

भारतको र नेपालको सिमानामा पर्खाल नलगाउने र घुंडा टेक्ने सरकार भयो भने नेपाल भारतले खान्छ – साध्यबहादुर भण्डारी |

 नेपाल र भारत बिच सीमावर्ती क्षेत्रमा भारतीय हस्तक्षेप बढ्दै गएपछि सिमाविद तथा राजनैतिक विश्लेषकले सुझाव दिने गरेका छन कि नेपाल र भारतको सिमा अनिवार्य पर्खाल लगाउनुपर्छ अनि मात्र भारतिय हस्तक्षेप नियन्त्रण गर्न सकिन्छ ।

नत्र भए यस्तै खुला सिमाको कारणले नै नेपालमा अशान्ति र भारतिय हस्तक्षेप भैइनै रहन्छ। यसै विषयमा आधारित साध्यबहादुर भण्डारी सँग गरिएको विशेष कुराकानी। भिडियो अन्तर्वार्ता:


People in Nepal have set up their mind that going abroad will make life easier. They believe that after they go abroad they will be able to earn a lot of money by doing minimal work but is truth is just the opposite.

Actually they have to work really hard and some do not even earn the right amount of money. Some have to return home and some do not even make it back.

A new short movie has been uploaded on official YouTube channel of Jirel TV and it is a very awareness giving short movie and it is about as girl who went abroad to a gulf country to earn money. The girl is uneducated and she is the only child of her parents. So, she goes abroad so that she can earn money and support her family.She gets warned by one of her friends that going abroad is very hard and she should not go. But she ends up going.

After she goes she is not satisfied. She is not allowed to call or parents or even go out. She has to work even when she is sick. She is very sad there. But one day limits gets crossed. Her employer comes to her bed at night and starts to touch her. She denies but the an forces himself on her and overpowers her. He molests and leaves her as she cries. The girl gets very sad and she ends up comm!tting $u!c!de because it was too much to handle for her.

Birendra was shot first - A Witness To Massacre

 Few dramas can match what happened at Nepal's Narayanhity Palace on the first night of June, 2001, when gunshots rang out, leaving most of the royal family dead.

Crown Prince Dipendra shot and killed nine members his family and himself. His parents apparently objected to his plans to marry local aristocrat Devyani Rana.

They had reportedly threatened to disinherit him if he did so, and there has been speculation that this conflict between love and duty is what caused his rampage. Rana reportedly comes from a lower clan of nobility in India, and her great-grandmother was also said once to have been a mistress to a member of the Nepalese royal family.

The public rioted for several days after the massacre, incredulous that the carefree prince once known as "Dippy" could be responsible for the violence. There was also speculation that the slain king's unpopular brother Gyanendra, who is now Nepal's monarch, was responsible for the tragedy. y of any persona non-grata.

inhumane Behaviour...

Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea or a task, but is more likely to be one of the activities or events that have developed over thousands of years specifically for the purpose of keeping an audience’s attention.

Although people’s attention is held by different things, because individuals have different preferences in entertainment, most forms are recognisable and familiar. Storytelling, music, drama, dance, and different kinds of performance exist in all cultures, were supported in royal courts, developed into sophisticated forms and over time became available to all citizens.

The process has been accelerated in modern times by an entertainment industry which records and sells entertainment products. Entertainment evolves and can be adapted to suit any scale, ranging from an individual who chooses a private entertainment from a now enormous array of pre-recorded products; to a banquet adapted for two; to any size or type of party, with appropriate music and dance; to performances intended for thousands; and even for a global audience.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal in china

Head administrator Pushpa Kamal Dahal arrived in Beijing on Saturday in the wake of tending to the Boao meeting in Hainan Province.

Authorities from the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Foreign Department of Chinese Communist Party invited PM Dahal in Beijing.

PM Dahal will participate in a night gathering sorted out by Nepali consulate. PM will likewise address previous Chinese diplomats, Chinese specialists on Nepal, individuals from Nepali people group and media people at the gathering.

Dahal will meet with pioneers of Chinese Communist Party Foreign Department on Sunday.

He will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday and fly back to Chengdu that day.

fire in kathmandu new bus park

Administrator of Sadbhawana Party Rajendra Mahato has said that the Madhesh union won’t reach to any new concurrence with the legislature.

Talking at the press meet in Malangawa of Sarlahi, Mahato invalidated any potential outcomes of new understanding for the decision refering to that the race is thinkable just with the Madhesh, after the revision of the constitution.

The United Democratic Madheshi Front (UDMF) won’t get into any empty accord as the past concurrences with the legislature have not been actualized till date, said Mahato.

Charging the three noteworthy gatherings attempting to thwart the dissent in the locale by moving toward UDMF for the understanding, Mahato questioned over the usage of the concurrences with the legislature.

Mahato asked the administration to actualize the past assentions first to make nature of the trust for the new accord. He guaranteed that the UDMF is prepared to take part in the decision in slated time if their request is satisfied tolerating that the organization together had never deny the race for the powerful execution of the constitution.

Gautam Buddha Bimansthal

Gautam Buddha Airport In almost three decades, Nepal is at long last developing the second worldwide Airport by 2018. Taking after the welcome by the Civil Aviation Authority, a Chinese contractual worker will come to Nepal to give a bank ensure.

Nepal’s southern neighbor does not favor a Chinese temporary worker in its region and the procedure was deferred because of this reason. Surrendered the warming of the relations between the two mammoths, there is by all accounts some adjustment in the skyline in regards to Nepal’s position versus the venture.

On the off chance that wanted to go not surprisingly, Nepal will have three universal air terminals inside short nautical miles. As the development procedure of Gautam Buddha International Airport is at the last stage, this will give an option airplane terminal, near Kathmandu’s International Airport.

In spite of the fact that Nepal has proposed two other universal airplane terminals at Nijgadh and Pokhara in the vicinity of Tribhuwan International Airport, their development procedure is yet to start.

After the investigation, China’s Northwest Civil Aviation Airport Construction Group has sacked the agreement to redesign Gautam Buddha Airport in Bhairahawa into a territorial universal airplane terminal.

Amid the last audit of the monetary records by the Asian Development Bank, the organization rose as the most reduced bidder. As indicated by reports, Northwest had cited a sticker price of Rs 5.50 billion, which is Rs 897.35 million not as much as the cost cited by the second least bidder. The total cost of the venture as set by its executing organization, the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) is Rs 6.30 billion.

With the runway of 3000 meters, the air terminal will have the limit of serving 760,000 travelers every year after the consummation of its first stage.