Wednesday, February 22, 2017

It is better to eat raw or cooked tomato or onion? Know about 6 vegetables here

It is proved that raw vegetable contains more nutrition than cooked but some are better after they are cooked and the nutrition is also increased after cooking. But we ignore such things so due to things how much we eat we doesn’t get proper nutrition and results. So here is something about this matter, which vegetable you need to eat raw and which you need to eat cooked.onions-tomatoes

1. Tomato
Eat after cooking Tomato contains lycopin which provides color to it and this prevents from the testes cancer and from heart disease. While cooking the particles which hides the lycopin gets break and gets released due to which our body can easily digest. Tomato soup is more benefit.

2. Onion
Eat raw Onion contains natural product as Lysine which stops hunger. Similarly it prevents from cancer as well. While cooking this the enzyme which prevents cancer gets d*estroyed so it is better to eat onion raw so that you can gain every nutrition that is contain on it.

3. Cabbage
Eat cooked Cabbage contains vitamin-c and vitamin-b so adding the spicy on it will be better. The calcium present on it will help to make bones and teeth strong. The green cover of this contains more vitamin-c which will give us energy.

4. Carrot
Raw or cooked Carrot contains beta-carotene which the body converts into vitamin-a. When the carrot is cooked the beta carotene present on it increases which increases the digestion power and it even keeps the skin healthy. But this is benefit even when it is raw. To be aware from common cold firstly you need to make your immunization power strong which the iron and magnesium present in the carrot helps. Carrot contains fiber which helps in digestion and fills the stomach for long time.

5. Red Capsicum
Eat raw Red capsicum contains Vitamin-c and if it is cooked vitamin-c gets d*estroyed and the level of antioxidant decreases. The antioxidant present on capsicum helps to prevent the heart pain and maintain the blood pressure.

6. Broccoli
Eat Raw Boccoli is also called super food because the sulforaphane which prevents from alsar and cancer. While cooking this the enzyme that makes supforaphane gets d*estroyed so it is better to eat it raw than cooked.

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